Sunday 15 July 2018

AWS Essentials - Most Popular Questions & Answers 19

1. The committee which designs the standards & characteristics for the cloud computing is

2. I have some private servers on my premises, also I have distributed some of my workload on the public cloud, what is this architecture called?
Ans: hybrid cloud

3. Developers and organizations all global around the world leverage ______ extensively
Ans: paas

4. Cloud-computing providers offer their services as ______________
Ans: Iaas, paas, saas

5. The _____ services mixes the simplicity of ________ with the power of _____, to great effect.
Ans: paas, saas, iaas

6. Does Stopping and Terminating instances have same effect?
Ans: False

7. All Amazon services supports region?
Ans: False

8. What are the measures to be taken to ensure maximum availability?
Ans: autoscalling

9. Which is more secure?
Ans: vpc security group

10. How can you integrate IAM with data centers security?

11. What does ARN stand for?
Ans: amazon resource name

12. Route S3 can be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS
Ans: True

13. Difference between instance store and EBS
Ans: Once the instance is stopped and started, the data in instance storage is lost. Whereas, the data in EBS persists.

14. What is the maximum length of a file name in S3?
Ans: UTF-8 1024 bytes long

15. In S3, what does RRS stand for?
Ans: Reduced Redundancy Storage

16. What does S3 stand for?
Ans: Simple Storage Service

17. When to choose C4 instances?
Ans: High compute and Moderate Memory footprint

18. EC2 stands for
Ans: Elastic Compute Cloud

19. Which of the following is not true about Glacier
Ans: Services enables rapid disaster recovery

20. How will you secure the data at rest in EBS?
Ans: restrict access using IAM that prevents write operations to the EBS

21. Objects in S3 can be delivered through Amazon CloudFront
Ans: True

22. How do you access data on Elastic block storage?
Ans: only from an EC2

23. What’s the maximum size of the S3 bucket?
Ans: 5TB

24. Which AWS services will you use to collect and process e-commerce data for near real-time analysis?
Ans: Both DynamoDB & Redshift

25. Only 1024 objects can be placed on S3 bucket?
Ans: False

26. Amazon S3 is a?
Ans: Key-Based object store

27. What is an AMI?
Ans: Amazon Machine Image

28. You are using an S3 bucket through which you are running a photo sharing website. It is found that some of other sites owners also using you bucket URL and causing a loss to you business. How will you protect your buckets content from unauthorized usage?
Ans: Utilize bucket polices, ACLs, and user policies

29. What are the uses of Amazon Glazier?
Ans: access infrequent data and archive data

30. Why do you make subnets?
Ans: To efficiently utilize networks that have a large no. of hosts

31. What metrics can be monitored through cloudwatch without being charged?
Ans: disk, CPU, data transfer

32. Autoscaling is enabled through
Ans: cloudWatch

33. Amazon CloudFormation is a?
Ans: Deployment and management service

34. Which service in AWS allows you to create and delete stacks of AWS resources which are defined in templates?
Ans: cloudFormation

35. Which of the following is not true about Elastic Load Balancing
Ans: Can be enabled only in a single availability zone

36. Which of these services will help in better availability______?
Ans: SNS and SES

37. Which of these services are used to distribute content to end users using a global network of edge locations?
Ans: Route 53

38. You are serving content from CloudFront. Which of the following happens to an end user's request?
Ans: The user's request is routed to the nearest edge location

39. Which of the following is not correct about CloudFront?
Ans: CloudFront cannot serve content from a non AWS origin server

40. How can you restrict the access to the contents delivered in cloudfront?
Ans: Origin access identity

41. A highly available and scalable domain name system web service
Ans: Amazon Route 53

42. What happens when content is not present at an edge location and a request is made to it?
Ans: CloudFront delivers the content directly from the origin server and stores it in the cache of the edge location

43. Which of these services are used to distribute content to end users using a global network of edge locations?
Ans: cloudFront

44. What’s the maximum size of the S3 bucket?
Ans: 5TB

45. If I want my instance to run on a single-tenant hardware, which value do I have to set the instance’s tenancy attribute to?
Ans: Dedicated

46. When you need to move data over long distances using the internet, for instance across countries or continents to your Amazon S3 bucket, which method or service will you use?
Ans: Amazon Transfer Acceleration

47. Service that connects on-premises software appliances with cloud based storage
Ans: AWS Storage Gateway

48. When will you incur costs with an Elastic IP address (EIP)?
Ans: When it is allocated and associated with a stopped instance.

If you have more collection of questions?? or If you find any wrong answers from the above?? Feel free to comment below.


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